Celebrating overcoming homelessness

All People All Places

All People All Places

All People All Places


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Homeless Plaques

Most homeless charities show people at their worst. We celebrated their success. In rough sleeping spots across North London, we placed 50 historical blue plaques – in doorways, tube stations and alleyways. When you got up close, you found the name of a once-homeless person who lived there, and the story of how they overcame homelessness with help from local charity All People All Places. The plaques trended at #3 on Reddit and were picked up by ITV.

Blue plaque on a bench
Blue plaque on a bench
Blue plaque on a bench
Blue plaque on a subway wall
Blue plaque on a subway wall
Blue plaque on a subway wall
Blue plaque inside a bus stop
Blue plaque inside a bus stop
Blue plaque inside a bus stop
Blue plaque on a wall
Blue plaque on a wall
Blue plaque on a wall